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Friday, April 29, 2011
WRITINGS by Sarah B: HER (censored version)
Opening her eyes.....wiping the crust away.....realizing today is like any other.....disrespect mother....babysit little brother.....counting seconds...minutes.....hours......staring at the water tower....which reads "HIALEAH".....on it graffiti "tony luvz Mia"......"BAM" there goes mom of to see that crack fiend to blow their flow....on cheap thrills and dirty coke.....Lil brother cry.... she comforts him but its no lie....lil brother Stevie has chicken pox....crawling knee deep in syringes and dirty socks.....No food in the cabinets 'cept Corn Pops......Mom steps in after dawn..... cracked out and talking shit.....about Tom busting his fist....against her face.....disgraced.....lonely and tired walks to her room where she find a way to leave Tom....."Oh mom....... you messed up again".....thinking to herself.....This is the 14th time its happened.......why not make it fifteen....."WAAAAHHHH!!" lil Stevie let out a sream........"don't worry kid you'll get betta"....nice dream....the reality is welfare won't pay for him.....Mom wakes and begins to yell....."what THE HELL!!!" HER untill theirs welts.....which form on her shoulders...."Now you cover up" mom say......but she can't hear, think or swallow....just goes to sleep and wakes up tomorrow...... opening her eyes.....wiping the crust away.....realizing today is like any other.....
By Sarah B.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
POEM by Maritza ROSE: The Day I Died
I felt as though the adrenaline rush would never end
My heart couldn’t stop beating
But as more and more blood rushed out of my body
I couldn’t help but think that this was the end
The year started off fresh
My happiest moment was just about to end
I fell in love again for the second time
This time it was stronger than the first
My happiness would move mountains
I fell in love again for the second time
This time it was stronger than the first
My happiness would move mountains
I cried today
Something I hadn’t done in a long time
I knew that it was strange
I felt as though
My head was spinning
My spirit has left my body
I looked at myself from above
I saw my pale skin and
My body changing colors
I haven’t told anyone how I felt
Usually that’s what happens
I love my family
I care about my friends
They have no clue that Today my life ends
They have no clue that Today my life ends
I wish everyone the best
As I have had
I’m 21 now, I’m done
I’ve tried what I’ve tried
This is the day
This is the day I died
By: Maritza ROSE aka Delilah (MM)
POEM by Matt: Breaking Routine
Everyone in the whole world
Quit their jobs
Now what?
I'll tell you
No expectations
You wouldn't wonder why I'm laughing
In my own poetry
Harmony like wind and air
No plans
Things just fall into place
I've tried it
It feels like "The Lord of the Rings"
Minus the "my precious"
Never growing old but I'm an old soul
Magical and realistic
Just beautiful
Just not the same place everyday
Have a home
Lose your obligation to fear
Break the routine and you'll find your ring
Break your routine
By Matt.
Quit their jobs
Now what?
I'll tell you
No expectations
You wouldn't wonder why I'm laughing
In my own poetry
Harmony like wind and air
No plans
Things just fall into place
I've tried it
It feels like "The Lord of the Rings"
Minus the "my precious"
Never growing old but I'm an old soul
Magical and realistic
Just beautiful
Just not the same place everyday
Have a home
Lose your obligation to fear
Break the routine and you'll find your ring
Break your routine
By Matt.
Photography by CC.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
CHARITY: A Charitable Heart
"If you are blessed with strength know that it is not only for you, but for those who are without it."
WRITINGS by Sarah B: A Brief Philosophical Moment (censored version)
Forget cars, forget money, forget clothes.....realization IS education....realization IS simplicity.....brush souls.....10 touch a mind....FEEL a spirit the life of utter FREEDOM.....forget the standards......forget these idealistic representations that you NEED materials to have a stable as you passes far to quickly angry.....judge.....second reason for hate.......what was the 60s for.....realization is understanding.....understanding is key to good relationships.....nothing is perfect.....nothing is flawless....but 10 seconds of connecting is all you need to flow with another mind......and this my dears is all she wrote.
By Sarah B. Tuesday, April 26, 2011
POEM by Maritza ROSE: Painful Departure
He never said a word
left me to my own
I was free like a bird
Yet I wanted to be home
I sent him emails and texts
yet never got an answer
Called him on his phone
and still no answer
I don't understand
what I have done to deserve this
the silence, the ignorance, the pain
I cry my heart out every day
In my little world
It didn't happen this way
I feel like disappearing
Wanting the pain to go away
Why oh why didn't he just stay
With me holding me tight
All I have are dreams that prevent
me from sleeping every night
Not at all, not even for a second
Did I think he would ever stop loving me
But now after all this
I'm not sure of anything
By Delilah (MM)
Promise yourself to be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!
Photography by: CC
Bored with life
No energy to fight
Give me Gatorade for my heart
PUMP energy into my day
For my day, my week is stale
Thinking of only depressing things
I'm allowed to have THESE days
And THESE days are the worst
You've had one of THESE days right
So CHEER me up
That's not how life works
No one cares what happened earlier
Just be your best all the time
I am NOT allowed to have days like THESE
It's an excuse to do whatever
I wanna feel good
No one has to cheer me up
I have to cheer me up
I'm a leader
If you call me weird then I'm doing my job of not fitting in
So come follow me on a journey of a streak of happiness where there's no more sad Ohhhhh I feel good
I feel better
Time to cheer YOU up
No energy to fight
Give me Gatorade for my heart
PUMP energy into my day
For my day, my week is stale
Thinking of only depressing things
I'm allowed to have THESE days
And THESE days are the worst
You've had one of THESE days right
So CHEER me up
That's not how life works
No one cares what happened earlier
Just be your best all the time
I am NOT allowed to have days like THESE
It's an excuse to do whatever
I wanna feel good
No one has to cheer me up
I have to cheer me up
I'm a leader
If you call me weird then I'm doing my job of not fitting in
So come follow me on a journey of a streak of happiness where there's no more sad Ohhhhh I feel good
I feel better
Time to cheer YOU up
By: Matt
Photography by: CC
Monday, April 25, 2011
POEM: Hit it Up
Dreadlocks so tight
rhymes so tight
hit it up in the spot light
I'm so high i could fly
cloud nine
sippin on bull
give it up for the real boys
swing those hips for the real boys
shake it when the beat hits
dreadlock rasta in the US
put your body to the test
hey ladies shake it, shake it
for the real boys
don't think just do
hit it up in the spot light
I'm so high i could fly
cloud nine
hit it up, hit it up
like the old school
for the real girls
in the real world
hit it up, take it to ten
cloud ten, that other level
Dreadlock rebel
she never looked so good
so...put your hands in the air
close your eyes
feel the beat hit
don't let it slip
swing those hips for the real boys
dreadlocks so tight
rhymes so tight
hit it up, hit it up
rhymes so tight
hit it up in the spot light
I'm so high i could fly
cloud nine
sippin on bull
give it up for the real boys
swing those hips for the real boys
shake it when the beat hits
dreadlock rasta in the US
put your body to the test
hey ladies shake it, shake it
for the real boys
don't think just do
hit it up in the spot light
I'm so high i could fly
cloud nine
hit it up, hit it up
like the old school
for the real girls
in the real world
hit it up, take it to ten
cloud ten, that other level
Dreadlock rebel
she never looked so good
so...put your hands in the air
close your eyes
feel the beat hit
don't let it slip
swing those hips for the real boys
dreadlocks so tight
rhymes so tight
hit it up, hit it up
Photography by: CC
Copy right 2010, all rights reserved.
WRITINGS by Sarah B: Ave Maria
falling falling falling......boom ....hit me.... smacked up fractured soul.....I keep reminding myself of this frailty....and the lone violin weeps quietly in the backdrop of my one can hear my scream which sits comfortably, behind forgiving eyes....just me, walking to the bus noticing the tiny spider-like cracks and disintegration in the side walk.....where does it lead?....just me, noticing every detail of the characters the bus riders I board it vacantly....from scowls to smiles.....friendly crow's feet..... gap toothed mouths with cracked lips..and cross-eyed stares..once I had a complete made me was this man....This OLD black man.....completely destroyed by time.....the wrinkles told the truth of his slavery to the bottle.....what looked like an old western style revolver was tucked into his shabby stained slacks....and he was sitting in a babies stroller.....I remember that day was rainy and cold ..... a sour stench infiltrated the humid day.....and as I waited to board the 40B....the man played AVE MARIA on this tiny child's electronic one looked at him.....he was ignored completely......rain began falling....and there he still sat.....AVE MARIA.......feeling so much pity a tear rolled down followed by several more.....I stood there completely unraveling in this moment.....time standing know..... one of those cinematic events that really aren't that glamorous.....but somehow touch you the first time you got your ears pierced..or that first day of school.................................ave maria............
By: Sarah B.
Photography by: CC
WRITINGS by Sarah B. Fool of the Hopeless
Dear Maria, I was lying still......I could barely inhale while she was lying on top like a wheelbarrow of bricks......her spirit so heavy......she only wanted to say goodbye......breathing heavily in my face with her hypnotic stare so deep she could dig out my soul......I stared back just gasping......choking..... constriction........her hair smelled of dirt and grass......her pale skin translucent and you could clearly see her veins beneath...... however, no circulation.....10:01 am, she was pronounced clinically dead....... 10:30am, and she was here sucking the life from me........ and all the worries fell beneath the bed as she took me one last Allen
Friday, April 15, 2011
QUOTES: Chief Seattle
“You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of your grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves.”
Thursday, April 14, 2011
WRITINGS: Friendly Advice Column - #1 - Mind Control
Hello, I am 24 yrs old and I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and hard place, suffocating in confusion. I am strong and independent yet I feel weak and frail at times. I'm dating someone new and don't want to run them off with negativity because of my insecurities. I feel inadequate and unattractive at times but then I think it could be much worse, yet I still feel depressed. I feel like I want to change the way I look or be different but then sometimes I feel happy and have more confidence. It's like a high and low, a roller coaster. Maybe I've got low self esteem. Looking for advice, thanks, Patti.
Perhaps it's trickery of the mind. In my life I've learn that most of the pain and stress we feel can be overcome with discipline of mind control. We are what we believe. It's important to tell yourself as I often do, it's all a state of mind. Focus on the positive rather than negative, don't dwell on what's negative, let your imagination be positive, think positive. Life is much nicer and peaceful in this way of thinking. Perhaps you should shift your focus. For example visualize yourself accomplishing great things and see yourself happy, count your blessings. Take mental note of all that your grateful for, your qualities, your talents, all that makes you unique and special to your friends and family who adore you. Life is more than just looks! You are strong and independent, that is attractive. Men prefer a woman with character and personality vs a knock out beauty queen with a bad attitude or dull sense of humor. Think positive, don't let negativity spew out of your mouth. You may also be experiencing a hormonal change, it's not so uncommon for women to feel this way at times. With mental discipline and positive beliefs you can overcome negativity, your life will inevitably take a turn in a more favorable direction.Google search self help books with the topic of positive thinking or what is relative to what your feeling, see what encouragement is out there! Reading is also a great shift of focus. Just my opinion. Best of luck.
Perhaps it's trickery of the mind. In my life I've learn that most of the pain and stress we feel can be overcome with discipline of mind control. We are what we believe. It's important to tell yourself as I often do, it's all a state of mind. Focus on the positive rather than negative, don't dwell on what's negative, let your imagination be positive, think positive. Life is much nicer and peaceful in this way of thinking. Perhaps you should shift your focus. For example visualize yourself accomplishing great things and see yourself happy, count your blessings. Take mental note of all that your grateful for, your qualities, your talents, all that makes you unique and special to your friends and family who adore you. Life is more than just looks! You are strong and independent, that is attractive. Men prefer a woman with character and personality vs a knock out beauty queen with a bad attitude or dull sense of humor. Think positive, don't let negativity spew out of your mouth. You may also be experiencing a hormonal change, it's not so uncommon for women to feel this way at times. With mental discipline and positive beliefs you can overcome negativity, your life will inevitably take a turn in a more favorable direction.Google search self help books with the topic of positive thinking or what is relative to what your feeling, see what encouragement is out there! Reading is also a great shift of focus. Just my opinion. Best of luck.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
CHARITY: CPH EVENT!! Thursday 5/19/11 at The Biltmore Hotel
2nd Annual Womenade Miami Take a Walk in Her Shoes – a Luncheon and Fashion Show in Support of Community Partnership for Homeless
MIAMI, FL – The second annual Take a Walk in Her Shoes silent auction, luncheon and fashion show will be held on Thursday, May 19, at The Biltmore Hotel from 11:00 am to 1:30 p.m., to benefit Community Partnership for Homeless (CPH). This year, the event co-chairs are Bronwyn Miller and Irene Korge.
This inspirational event has become vital to raising awareness for the services and programs, and raising the much needed funds to support the men, women and children who reside at CPH looking to rebuild their lives. This year, models will strut the runway wearing exquisite vintage fashions presented by C. Madeleine’s with direction from Danny Santiago and hair styling and makeup from RIK RAK Salon.Boutique.Bar. CBS-4 on-air host Sharon Hori will serve as the fashion show and program emcee. The luncheon will honor six outstanding community philanthropists: Brenda Nestor Castellano, Jeanie Hernandez, Nicole Lozano, Tracy Wilson Mourning, Connie Russell and Electra Spillis.
Guests will also enjoy a sumptuous champagne cocktail reception, along with a silent auction and raffle with scores of stunning items including jewelry, theatre tickets, dinner certificates, hotel stays, paintings, gourmet gift baskets and much, much more. The festive décor will feature floral centerpieces designed and donated by Belle Fleur.
“The Talk a Walk in Her Shoes fashion show helps raise awareness and funds used to help the women and children who reside at the Community Partnership for Homeless centers looking to regain a footing in life. Through the fashion show we have raised much needed dollars to financially support the programs offered at the centers. The support at the 2010 fashion show was immeasurable and only reinforces our believe that the Take a Walk in Her Shoes fashion show will continue to make a difference in the lives of the women and children in our centers,” stated Dan Vincent, CPH Executive Director.
All of the proceeds from Take a Walk in Her Shoes fashion show will benefit Community Partnership for Homeless, which is dedicated to helping men, women and children in need of shelter, food and a strong support system. CPH programs and services include housing, food, health care, dental care, psychiatric care, job training, case management and child care and more. As a not-for-profit, this event is an important source of funding for CPH to help the homeless in our community find stability and self-sufficiency.
Tickets are $100 per person. Support Take a Walk in Her Shoes as a Platinum Sponsor ($2,500), Gold Sponsor ($2,000), or Silver Sponsor ($1,500), and receive tickets and acknowledgement in the program. Reserve your seat(s) today by calling Grace Ugalde, CPH Event Coordinator, at 305-329-3081 or visit the event web site,
For more information, contact Grace Ugalde,305-329-3081 or
About Womenade Miami
Womenade Miami is made up of women from all walks of life who are committed to the mission of increasing awareness and revenue for Community Partnership of Homeless.
About Community Partnership for Homeless
Community Partnership for Homeless is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation based in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Since 1995, Community Partnership for Homeless has been assisting homeless men, women and children in transitioning off the streets of Miami-Dade County and on their way to attaining greater stability and self-sufficiency in their lives. As the private sector partner of the Miami Dade County Homeless Trust, we have continually been recognized as a national model for our comprehensive approach to helping the homeless. Our program’s main catalyst for success is the Homeless Assistance Centers that operate as one-stop temporary care entry point that provide not just food and shelter, but comprehensive case management, healthcare, daycare, job training and other assistance from a variety of social service agencies all under one roof. For more information, visit -------click here-----> CPH.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
POEM by Matt: Found and Lost
Fate didn't bring us together
Art did
The angels took too much credit when we met
It was the way we felt
I don't need karma when I'm flowing to you
My heart is the world's pulse just with the thought of you
Like music, moving in tune
I love where the first verse is going
How long the song till the outro
I had to go out to the galaxy
But we must keep in contact
Tragedy strikes obviously
Karma, my eternal contract
Circumstance makes this harder
And tougher, and now a lot harder
Then our love is there, but hard to find
In silent breaths, hoping, calling to the angels
I took all the credit, selfish me
Now, gone from me; you, my angel
And them
Alone in space, forever floater, regretful boaster
Forgive me
By: Matt
Art did
The angels took too much credit when we met
It was the way we felt
I don't need karma when I'm flowing to you
My heart is the world's pulse just with the thought of you
Like music, moving in tune
I love where the first verse is going
How long the song till the outro
I had to go out to the galaxy
But we must keep in contact
Tragedy strikes obviously
Karma, my eternal contract
Circumstance makes this harder
And tougher, and now a lot harder
Then our love is there, but hard to find
In silent breaths, hoping, calling to the angels
I took all the credit, selfish me
Now, gone from me; you, my angel
And them
Alone in space, forever floater, regretful boaster
Forgive me
By: Matt
CHARITY: Happy Hearts Fund - NEWS!
Dear Friends,
We are writing because we have an opportunity that doesn't require any money - just a small amount of time - to make a real difference in the lives of children in Japan, Haiti, Indonesia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, and other natural disaster areas.
"Dancing with a purpose," as Petra calls her participation in Monday night's Dancing with the Stars, has enabled her to reach an audience of almost 35 million people with her message about children's needs for the opportunity and community that schools provide. At Happy Hearts Fund, we can see an immediate difference in our work because of the show.
Petra's dedication has made it possible for her, the Happy Hearts Fund team, and partners around the world, to recently complete our 50th school. There are now schools in Thailand, Indonesia, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and Haiti that exist because of her passion and commitment.
Your support can make a significant difference in Petra's ability to tell her message. Petra is at a stage on the show when viewers call in to vote for their favorite contestants to continue participating on the show. You have the power to help Petra and all of the children of Happy Hearts Fund who need help after natural disasters.
Please VOTE so that Petra can stay on the show and continue to spread her message. The postcard below tells how to vote in the most effective way. Secondly, please circulate this postcard to your friends, family, employees, customers, or anyone you know who might care, encouraging all to tune in and vote 10 x from each phone line and email account for Petra.
The show airs Monday nights at 8pm/7pm Central on ABC. Voting begins at the beginning of the show and continues for 30 minutes after the conclusion of the show. Petra's voting number is:
Thank you for your help in getting out the vote! Please forward this message on to others who care about educating some of the world's neediest children.
Thank you!
----Click------here-----> HAPPY HEARTS FUND!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
POEM by Matt: Guess Who?
I am an artist
Whose talent has no predetermined value
I need not for I am wealthy in every way
There are others like me, though hard to find
I am with you always you, noticing your every flaw
I dream with you
I share your day
You cry, I cry
I have the power to cheer you up
Though not in my job description
I'm here to protect you
If you knew the instrument I mastered
You'd have figured me out
They nicknamed me "guardian"
I probably was fed Red Bull since birth
And the instrument mastered
Is the harp
I'm here for you always
By Matt.
Whose talent has no predetermined value
I need not for I am wealthy in every way
There are others like me, though hard to find
I am with you always you, noticing your every flaw
I dream with you
I share your day
You cry, I cry
I have the power to cheer you up
Though not in my job description
I'm here to protect you
If you knew the instrument I mastered
You'd have figured me out
They nicknamed me "guardian"
I probably was fed Red Bull since birth
And the instrument mastered
Is the harp
I'm here for you always
By Matt.
POEM by Matt: Guns & Roses
Roses and Guns......
Like an artifact of romances
Soft to the touch and to the smell
Revitalizes my senses
A medium between heaven and hell
But pointless
Oh an artifact of destruction
Heavy to the feel, unnatural to the smell
War, what an introduction
An extremity of hell
And pointless
Vagrant, zany it explains who you are
A medium between heaven and hell: Earth; serene
An extremity of hell: Fire; anger
To prove worthy of heaven: Light; eternal bliss
Enjoy that your spirit is a gun and a rose
Though a gun has no point in heaven, a rose does
To show me eternal bliss whenever we meet
I'll choose the rose everytime
I might love you
By Matt.
Like an artifact of romances
Soft to the touch and to the smell
Revitalizes my senses
A medium between heaven and hell
But pointless
Oh an artifact of destruction
Heavy to the feel, unnatural to the smell
War, what an introduction
An extremity of hell
And pointless
Vagrant, zany it explains who you are
A medium between heaven and hell: Earth; serene
An extremity of hell: Fire; anger
To prove worthy of heaven: Light; eternal bliss
Enjoy that your spirit is a gun and a rose
Though a gun has no point in heaven, a rose does
To show me eternal bliss whenever we meet
I'll choose the rose everytime
I might love you
By Matt.
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