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Sunday, October 30, 2011

POEM by Matt: Girl Who Can't Study

Beautiful's got an exam
It will make or break her work career
But she can't stay in the book for 5 minutes
Rather going out, trying new foods, meeting new faces
It comes to the last day and there's no way she'll
Cram in all that's required
The sleep takes over
Test day, Beautiful is fretting but finishes the test
Results: she flunked
No more career
However, got an A in life
Living, enjoying, love, lust, heartbreak, dissatisfaction, growth, joy, headache, relief
Now she's got another test..... would you want to Pass or Fail

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem (poetry), Writings, Music, Local.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

WRITINGS: FACEBOOK's Most Awesome Photography - Top 3 for October

Submit your photography to:

LOCAL: Lady of Fatima, Holy Mother of Vintage/ Apparel

Check out this awesome Miami shop! Unique one of a kind treasures for Men and Women:

My favorite place to shop!!! 



PICK UP CLOTHES SAME DAY (Miami location) Message Sarah on FACEBOOK, click HERE!

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem (poetry), Writings, Music, Local.

Monday, October 24, 2011

POEM by Matt: FWHY

There's no road to happiness
Happiness IS the road
I'm an old soul because of the quotes I read
Quotes are the paraphrasing of a person's experience
So burn the book with a few good metaphors or lessons at the end
Get to the bloody point NOW!
Live your life! Please
I'm begging you; the person I'll never meet to be happy, which makes no sense
I'm a fireball of good vibes
And you'd be an old soul too if you had a fireball in your pocket
For the angel's sake, Fly With Your Heart

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem (poetry), Writings, Music, Local.  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

CHARITY: Little Hoolies Halloween Bash/ Concert benefiting Parent to Parent of Miami, Inc.

Parent to Parent of Miami is a community parent resource center for
families of children and adults with all disabilities. Located in
Miami, Florida, our program serves families in Miami-Dade and Monroe
counties, as well as the nation. With the help of Parent to Parent of
Miami's specialized team, parents and professionals can find
information, workshops and other resources to help make decisions
about early intervention, early childhood, education, vocational
training, employment, college opportunities, as well as the laws that
protect the rights of children and adults with disabilities.

EVENT: Saturday Oct. 29th starting at 9pm

LOCATION: Little Hoolies - 13135 Southwest 89th Place, Miami, FL 33176
Get Directions click HERE.

LIVE BANDS: 3 Feet Closer and The Regs.

LIKE Parent to Parent of Miami on FACEBOOK, click HERE. 

LIKE Little Hoolies Sports Bar and Grill on FACEBOOK, click HERE.
Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem (poetry), Writings, Music, Local. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

LOCAL: The Mad Hatter Arts Festival - October 28-30, 2011

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Monday, October 17, 2011

WRITINGS: Q & A with Dr. Carlos Wolf - Nipple Reduction Procedure

Q. I have an interesting problem that is bothering me. Before I had children I would go out without wearing a bra. I had perky breasts with “cute” nipples. I have since had two children and those nipples are not cute anymore. More specifically, they have grown and are very visible when I don’t wear a bra.

A. Your problem is one that patients often don’t talk about because they feel that there can’t be a solution. But there is — the surgical procedure is a nipple reduction. It’s not a complicated procedure when done properly by a Board-certified plastic surgeon. It may be done with local anesthesia or sedation to alleviate anxiety.

The epithelial (outside) skin of the excess elevation is removed and the remaining nipple is “dropped” into the breast. The incision is then closed with absorbable sutures (they don’t have to be removed). Within a few weeks you would be recovered and you could go back to your glory days!

Connect with Dr. Carlos Wolf on FACEBOOK, Click HERE. 

For more info visit Miami Plastic Surgery, Click HERE. 

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem (poetry), Writings, Music, Local. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

POEM by Matt: Time

I burned my watch to forget
For when I do have time, I count every second
Obsessive and reckless
I feel that the tempo is too slow
And elders want their time to slow down
I'm a super hero with no one to save
Effort weary of payoff
Don't get it wrong! I'm not complacent!
My opinions are meaningless now and expressions the same
A cry without tears
Could you guess why?
I'm surrounded by family and friends...... and enemies
Here in my hospital bed
Pity and worries and woes all amplified like a nightclub stereo
Statued, dead and alive......
In a coma

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem, Writings, Music, Local.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

EDUCATION: AT&T Don't Text While Driving Documentary

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LOCAL: BACHACO Live at ROLA MUSIC FEST AFTERPATY @ Hard Rock Cafe Bayside - Friday 11/11/11

Friday, November 11 at 10:00pm - November 12 at 2:00am


Created By

More Info

Bachaco returns to HARD ROCK CAFE Bayside on Friday November 11th for ROLA MUSIC FEST AFTERPARTY!

Share on FACEBOOK, click HERE.

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LOCAL: The Blair Stitch Project - Indie Craft Bazaar - Sunday 10/16/11

Sunday, October 16 · 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Cinema Paradiso
503 SE 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Created By

More In
Come join us on October 16th, 2011 from 1-6 PM for ICB: The Blair Stitch Project! An indie craft fair and Halloween dress-up event!

+ 35+ Artists and Crafters selling handmade, vintage, repurposed, recycled and vegan goods!

+ FREE DIY "Make your own [Trick or Treat] Tote Bag" stand! Just bring an old t-shirt (or purchase one on site) and we've got the rest covered!

+ Henna Tattoos, Tarot Card Readings, Feather Hair Extensions, and Body Painting!

+ FREE raffle ticket with entry for hourly handmade giveaways!

+ Full bar AND Festive Fall Food and sweets (with vegan options!)

+ Trick or Treating at the vendor booths (Cause adults deserve candy, too!)

+ Arrive dressed in costume and receive an EXTRA raffle ticket!

+ Perfect place to make friends, mingle, network and promote!!

$4 Entry / Free parking garage!

More info at:
ICB only comes around a few times per year. You won't wanna miss it! 

Share on FACEBOOK, click HERE.

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem, Writings, Music, Local.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Highly recommended printing co.! Excellent quality and pricing in Miami, FL.

3900 NW 79th Avenue
Suite 230
Miami, FL 33166

Corporate Mailing HQ:
2423 SW 147 Ave
Suite 186
Miami, FL 33166

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 305.520.9504
Fax: 888.551.0995
Mobile Phone Number: 305.520.9504

Visit their website, click HERE.

MAPS - Driving directions/ GPS, click HERE.

Write a review, click HERE.

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LOCAL: Compassion Chronicle - Working for the ill everyday in Florida

People United for Medical Marijuana
Compassion Chronicle
Working for the ill everyday in Florida
In This Issue
Getting Medicated
Getting Educated
Contact Sr. Bennett
Nullify Now
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing 
Call the
White House

Marijuana groups from around the nation are joining forces to call the White House.

October 11
6:00 a.m. to
2:00 p.m. 

Please call and tell them to stop wasting your money prosecuting medical marijuana patients.

The goal is keep the phone lines busy, so just keep calling until you get through.  Make sure to re-post this on all social networking sites.
Signature Drive
Our main focus is collecting signatures on the ballot initiative.  Tailgating at football games provide the perfect opportunity to get lots of signatures.  Another great place is the county courthouse before 8:00 as registered voters are reporting for jury duty. 
Upcoming Events
October 15
2:30 p.m.
Activist Training

Susan Komen Race for the Cure
Miami - 10/15
Orlando - 10/16
Jacksonville - 10/22
Newsletter Articles
This is a team effort.  If you would like to contribute to our newsletter, please email your article to
Conference Calls
Our Space Coast Leader has started bi-weekly conference calls to help keep everyone connected around the state.  Feel free to call in at 9:00 p.m. on 10/6 and 10/20 to 213-406-8520, access code 912-5614.  
Thank You Nathan!
Dear Friends,

A total of 29,318 signatures have been verified, 1,500 more are being processed.  We have a great cannabis recipe and some ideas on how to gain safe access to medical cannabis.  You must get involved to get the laws changed.
Getting Medicated
In order to get the most medicinal benefits from your cannabis, it should be eaten.  It will not have the same psychoactive effects as when smoking marijuana.  When smoked, much of the medicine is destroyed.  When eaten in small amounts,  cannabis will take away minor aches and pains.  When eaten in larger quantities, you can expect to feel relaxed, calm, happy and pain free.  Sometimes you may be hungry, but other times cannabis can suppress an appetite.

Last month we showed you how to make Rick Simpson's cancer curing cannabis oil.  Only three drops in the morning and three drops at night is all one needs.

Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil

Check out this easy recipe for making canola oil infused with cannabis.  Add to things such as cakes or pasta sauce for the perfect healing dose.

Make Cannabis Cooking Oil   
Getting Educated
According to the World Health Organization, the top three killers of Americans are heart disease, cancer, and stroke.  Here are studies that show cannabis is effective in treating all of these diseases.  Check them out, then tell everyone you know. 
Cannabis and Neuropathic Pain, par
Cancer study
Heart disease study
Stroke study 
Contact Senator Bennett
Mike Bennett from Bradenton is our best chance at getting a Senate bill sponsor in 2012.  Please contact him using all three of these methods and ask him to help the patients of Florida by sponsoring legislation to permit the use of marijuana for medical reasons.  The personalized letter is always the most effective and should be mailed to  3653 Cortez Rd. West, Suite 90, Bradenton, FL 34210.  You can also call his office at 941-727-6349, where you will asked to leave a message.  You can email him by simply clicking below.

Email Senator Bennett Now  
Nullify Now in Jacksonville
The Federal government announced this month that marijuana users do not have 2nd or 10th amendment rights as outlined in the constitution, they can not purchase guns and they can not change laws at the state level.  We really have to take action.

Nullify Now is a great opportunity to get educated on the nullification movement.  This event is featuring Tom Woods, one of the nations leading economic historians and constitutional expert.  We will have a table, providing a great opportunity to gather signatures.  A special thanks to the Tenth Amendment Center for all of their support.

Click Here to Read the Details

Watch this video to see how our Bill of Rights are being violated everyday.

Watch Kim Russell Speak at Nullify Now! - Orlando 
In order for something to happen, we have to take action.  You can make a difference by ensuring your voice is heard.  Sitting on the sidelines is not an option.  Please continue to be involved. 

Thank You,   

Kim Russell

People United for Medical Marijuana
Paid Political Advertisement - Paid for and Approved by:
People United for Medical Marijuana whose mailing address is P.O. Box 560296 Orlando, FL  32856

LOCAL: New Job Postings - Industry Job Opportunities

Job Title - Company / Organization


Diversity Media Planner - MPG

Account Director - ROJO Marketing

Sales -Part time or Full Time - Keshot

Senior Editor - ESPN

Advertising Professor - Texas State University-San Marcos

Media Operator II - ESPN, Inc.

Hispanic Moderator - New American Dimensions

Account Director/Supervisor Multicultural - The Marketing Arm

Director, Western Sales - ESPN Inc.

Public Relations Account Supervisor - Lopez Negrete Communication

Bilingual AE - Sportivo

Director of Qualitative Research - New American Dimensions

Creative Copywriter - LatinWorks

Research Coordinator - Azteca America

Account Director - SiboneyUSA

Director of Multicultural Marketing - Dunkin' Donuts

Account Supervisor - Undisclosed

Account Executive - Undisclosed

To view job listings Click HERE.

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem, Writings, Music, Local. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

POEM by Matt: Best I've Ever Had

Woke up from a dream this morning
Don't remember the details
Something about the love of my life
Moments of intimacy
The beach at nighttime
And something else
Time to make the most important meal of my day: Breakfast
Tell the chef I fell for something healthy; organic; refreshing as my dream
I get to the meal table in a blind fold
Bestowed a spoon
Ravage my utensil to listen for the texture..... it's cereal?
Whatever, time to taste
Mmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
My dream manifests
Intimacy on my tongue, calming as the beach, and that something else?
The fruit inside
I'm kissing a woman with my spoon, every bite a new motion
To dream again at the table ohhhhhhhhhh
I didn't get her name, it keeps me interested! I remove the blind fold......
LOL, granola with strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, and a slice of mango on the side hahaha!
What a beautiful woman!

Use the SEARCH field on this blog site to browse other topics: Education, Charity, Poem, Writings, Music, Local.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

CHARITY: Happy Hearts Fund - Land of Dreams - Haiti

Click on image to enlarge:

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011



Nothing says October like a huge Oktoberfest Celebration.  And nobody does it bigger than Brickell’s soon to open German inspired Restaurant and Biergarten . . . Brickell Bier Garden at Central Park Miami!  From Thursday, October 6th through Saturday October 8th, this exciting new hotspot will feature a full schedule of food, fun and live music from an authentic Oktoberfest band (mit lederhosen) to a rocking good time with Jamband great Bobby Lee Rogers.  It’s fun for the whole family and there is no charge for admission.  Central Park Miami is located at 1300 South Miami Avenue in the Brickell area of Miami.

Central Park Miami’s 10,000 Square Foot outdoor space, “The Meadow” will be the site of their huge Oktoberfest celebration.  Thursday kicks off with “Dance-toberfest” featuring DJ Drop’d spinning until 2AM.  Then Friday it is a true Oktoberfest celebration with the Oktoberfest Band Europa playing all your German favorites until you shout “Ein Prosit” for the last time.  Then on Saturday it’s a “Rockin’-toberfest” as Jamband great guitarist Bobby Lee Rogers headlines a day of great tunes.  Saturday starts off with Motivational Edge Charity presenting their Young DJ contest winners, followed by a rocking performance by the Cleveland Jones Band and Bobby Lee Closing out the night.
And of course what Oktoberfest celebration would not be complete without food and beer!  Brickell Bier Garden will be home for some of the rarest German Beers found on this side of the Atlantic.  The featured pour for this Oktoberfest is Radeberger.  A great pilsner style brew from an age old brewery that has been making this beverage since the 1800’s... and come hungry.  Brickell Bier Garden’s award-winning, 5-star chef, Abigail Fellows, has put together a taste-tempting menu of Oktoberfest treats and more.  Feast on Ale-battered House Pickles; Warm Pretzels w/Bock Beer Mustard; Sausage Rolls w/Dry Cider Kraut; Cider-glazed Pork Ribs; Jacket Potato w/Golden Lager Cheese & Chives; and Porter-braised Brisket Sliders.  If you noticed a theme to the menu, think beer!

Central Park Miami is soon to become one of the most talked about dining and drinking destinations in all of South Florida.  Scheduled to open in late fall of 2011, in addition to the 10,000 square foot Meadow for outdoor events this huge facility will include the Brickell Bier garden, a Bavarian style Biergarten with a wide selection of rare German brews not found many places in America as well as a variety of Microbrews and other unique beverages.  In other words don’t ask for a Bud.  It’s embarrassing.  The Brickell Bier Garden will also feature a first class German inspired food menu created by Chef Abigail Fellows.  Using a host of locally grown and raised products and giving them a unique German and beer infused twist, it will be quite tempting to try everything on the menu.  Central Park Miami will also host another unique twist as it will feature a new location of the popular Japanese Restaurant Akashi.  This location will feature a wide range of Japanese Sakes as well as delicious sushi and other Japanese treats.

The Oktoberfest Sneak Preview of Central Park Miami will run Thursday October 6th through Saturday October 8th at 1300 South Miami Avenue in the Brickell Area.  Thursday and Friday the celebration starts at 6PM.  Saturday the festivities begin earlier at 3PM.  And there is no charge for Admission.  For more information go to or call (305) 677-2939.
Come and Enjoy.  “Ein Prosit!”

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