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Thursday, October 18, 2012

POEM by Matt: I Went Shopping

I just went shopping
Strolled along awhile atop another mall floor
Awaiting an item almost always to find me
3 things!!!
It had better be affordable
It should look great
It should feel comfortable
Oh I found the most fashionable things!
Boots and shoes then boots and shoes hahahahaha! This is greatttt
And they follow my 3 rulesssss
Feeling good, great and fresh I head downtown!
Driving with treasure in my trunk, I feel like Frosted Flakes... Grrrrreeeeaaaa.... Lol you get the point

But it's the only way to express how I feel!!!
I reach my destination and unload....
Ny donation of shoes to the homeless shelter
I just went shopping
Strolled along awhile atop another mall floor
Awaiting an item almost always to find me
3 things!!!
It had better be affordable
It should look great
It should feel comfortable
Oh I found the most fashionable things!
Boots and shoes then boots and shoes hahahahaha! This is greatttt
And they follow my 3 rulesssss
Feeling good, great and fresh I head downtown!
Driving with treasure in my trunk, I feel like Frosted Flakes... Greeeeaaaa..... Lol, you get the point But it's the only way to express how I feel!!!
I reach my destination and unload....
My donation of shoes to the homeless shelter

Search poems by Matt on this blog page to read other creative writings.